About Us
West Virginia State Code defines a Family Resource Network as “a local community organization charged with service coordination, needs and resource assessment, planning, community mobilization and evaluation.” FRNs are coordinating bodies and gateways to their respective communities.
The Monroe Coalition for Children and Families, Inc. was established in 1992 as one of the first five Family Resource Networks in West Virginia. Our mission is to plan, develop, sustain, evaluate, and monitor a comprehensive service system which provides prompt, user-friendly, barrier-free support, prevention and intervention services. All planning and coordination activities for the Monroe Coalition for Children and Families (FRN) is accomplished through committee/team work. Our work is focused on seven goals that reflect community activities while meeting contractual obligations.
Goal 1: Monroe County parent have adequate resources to protect, nurture, educate, and support their children
Goal 2: All Monroe County Children will be ready to succeed in school
Goal 3: All Monroe County Citizens will achieve and maintain good physical and mental health
Goal 4: Monroe County children will live in permanent, stable homes
Goal 5: All Monroe County citizens are safe in their homes and community
Goal 6: West Virginian’s will possess marketable skills and have access to good jobs
Goal 7: Meet contractual obligations to ensure responsibility and organization when responding to the needs of the county
As a way to meet these goals, we collaborate with multiple groups within the county and throughout WV.